Oil companies will pay Rs 51 per liter for biodiesel in first year, Rs 52.7 in second year and Rs 54.5 in third year, while also bearing the cost of transportation and GST for the first year.
Oil companies will pay Rs 51 per liter for biodiesel in first year, Rs 52.7 in second year and Rs 54.5 in third year, while also bearing the cost of transportation and GST for the first year.
Leather Mission, Kumhar Sashaktikaran Mission, and Honey Mission are programs launched by Khadi and Village Industry Commission (KVIC) aimed at uplifting marginalized communities in India.
Owing to the growth of electric mobility and in order to meet the demands of the automotive sector, the EV Conclave is organized with a focus on new trends and challenges in the field of electric mobility.